Half Agile Isn’t Agile

Missed commitments, long lead times, poor quality, and stagnant innovation. More Scrum, SAFe, or LeSS? Those aren’t going to help because methodology is only one part of the solution. Sure, these frameworks will provide a vision for a system of delivery, but they give no concrete advice on how to move the needle. This often leads to businesses saying, “we tried Agile and it didn’t work.” But that’s because you’re only half Agile.

The missing piece is distinct from the system of delivery and is specifically designed to guide change and do the things that methodology can’t. Over the course of this talk, you’ll learn about the other half of Agility and how it can unlock Agile’s true potential.

The World After Agile

For years, Agilists have been making the promise that your business could improve by restructuring the organization at the team level. Sadly, as an industry, we haven’t been able to make good on that promise and many of the businesses who have attempted to adopt team-level Agile haven’t seen their problems go away. If we continue to espouse that team level Agility is a viable solution, then we’re doing the industry, our clients, and ourselves a disservice.

So, what’s next? What does the world look like after Agile? In this talk, find out how we can begin to make good on the promises of Agility and achieve the business results that Agile has seemingly failed to deliver.