The World After Agile
Learn how do to make good on the promises that Agile has seemingly failed to deliver?

For years, Agilists have been making the promise that your business could improve by restructuring the organization at the team level. Sadly, as an industry, we haven’t been able to make good on that promise and many of the businesses who have attempted to adopt team-level Agile haven’t seen their problems go away. If we continue to espouse that team level Agility is a viable solution, then we’re doing the industry, our clients, and ourselves a disservice.
So, what’s next? What does the world look like after Agile? In this talk, find out how we can begin to make good on the promises of Agility and achieve the business results that Agile has seemingly failed to deliver.
Learn how do to make good on the promises that Agile has seemingly failed to deliver?
Methodology will only take you so far. You’re going to need something else that can do the things that methodology can’t.
Learn how Surescripts used Agile to go beyond methodology and how that improved their ability to understand capacity in a way that allowed them to align with their overall strategy.
Discover the real value of Agility as we discuss the financial impacts of achieving better business outcomes
In this experience report, the VP of Strategic Relationships & Initiatives at GreenSky Credit walks you through how Agile implementation was able to stabilize their system of delivery, prioritize work, and help them go after new markets.
Every successful Transformation is centered around 4 Principles. Learn how these principles can apply to your organization.
Predictability, Productivity, and Business Value are all challenges that organizations face—regardless of whether or not they’re trying to go Agile. Learn how Travelport was able to use Agile Transformation to address these challenges and finally get the results they had been searching for.
This talk will explore what a roadmap for change looks like when you’re balancing the need for short-term gains with long term wins.
In this report, the Manager of the Agile Transformation Office walks you through their journey toward becoming an Agile enterprise. Along the way, Tom will discuss where Amway was, what they had to do in order to get to where they’re at, and what the future looks like as they try and broaden the scope of their Transformation.
For Agile to thrive at scale, it’s going to require more than just building Agile teams. It’s going to require an entirely new ecosystem.
In this experience report, the Transformation Lead at Ford Motor Company, Amy Palazzolo, describes how Ford has adapted to an ever-changing marketplace. She outlines how they were able to get leadership buy-in to turn themselves into a product-driven organization
Let’s continue this new conversation where we elevate Agile to a new level and keep the momentum going as we uncover a greater understanding of what drives real, sustainable change and Transformation.
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